Intertek Directory of Building Products

Structural Panels Inc. - Rockwall and Rockwall XP Wall Panels Company: Structural Panels Inc.

Structural Panels Inc. Rockwall Wall Panels are constructed of 26 gauge steel skins, mineral fiber board insulation and tongue-and-grooved vertical joints.  The panels are 46-1/2 in. wide (joints 46 in. on centre when assembled) available in thicknesses of 4 in., 5 in., and 6 in.

Rockwall XP is an insulated sandwich wall panel consisting of steel skins bonded to a mineral wool core with a tongue and groove joint on each side. The panels are 4 inches thick, 46-1/2 in. wide, and up to 25 ft. long.

Product Evaluated  Standards Rating Design no.
Rockwall CAN/ULC S101
1 hour Refer to attached design no. SPI/FWPA 180-01
2 hour
3 hour
ASTM E283 Air infiltration: 0.00 L/s-m2 at 75 Pa and at 300 Pa Note 1
ASTM E331 No water leakage at pressure differential of 730 Pa Note 1
ASTM E330 Maximum Positive Wind Load: +2640 Pa
Maximum Negative Wind Load: -2400 Pa
Note 1
ASTM E72 Transverse load performance per report 101028928TOR-003 Note 2
Rockwall XP CAN/ULC S101
1 hour Refer to attached design no. SPI/FWPA 60-01
Note 1: The wall panel assembly that achieved the air, water and wind load ratings described above used silicone sealant around the perimeter and every vertical joint between panels.  Refer to Intertek Design Listing SPI-FWPA 180-01 for steel girt placement when fire resistance rating is required. 
Note 2: The ultimate loads achieved by each Rockwall panel configuration test for ASTM E72 transverse load are as described below.

ASTM E72 Transverse Load Performance
Product Evaluated Panel Thickness Ultimate Load Achieved
10 ft. panel span 20 ft. panel span
Rockwall 4 in. 1255 Pa (26.2 psf) 372 (7.8 psf)
5 in. 2189 (45.7 psf) 412 (8.6 psf)
6 in. 2697 (56.3 psf) 683 (14.3 psf) 
Listing Report Return to Search
CriteriaASTM E330 (2002)
CriteriaASTM E72 (2005)
CriteriaASTM E283 (2004)
CriteriaCAN / ULC S101 (2007)
CriteriaASTM E331 (2000) (R2016)
CriteriaASTM E119 (2012)
CriteriaCAN / ULC S101 (2014)
CriteriaASTM E119 (2022)
CSI Code07 42 63 Fabricated Wall Panel Assemblies
Fire Resistance3 Hour Wall Assembly
Fire Resistance1 Hour Wall Assembly
Fire Resistance2 Hour Wall Assembly
Spec ID32882
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