Wood Core Type (Particleboard) (Flush or Profiled Fiberglass Face) Swinging Door for installation in 20 minute (1/3 hour) locations. For use in Steel or Wood frames meeting ANSI-A155.1/UL-63 or as per frame manufacturer's listing(s).
Test Standards:
Neutral Pressure, UL 10(b), NFPA 252 , CAN/ULC S104 Category "B"
Positive Pressure, NFPA 252, UL 10(c), CAN/ULC S104 Category "B".
Cylindrical Latches with maximum 2-3/4" backset / Surface Mounted Vertical Rod Fire Exit Devices / Rim Type Fire Exit Devices / Deadbolts / Surface Mounted Closers / Surface Mounted Protection Plates / Viewers / Door Bottoms - Surface Mounted or Snap-in Design.
Maximum Sizes
Positive Pressure
Single Swing 3'0" wide x 8'0" high
Standard Pairs 6'0" wide x 7'0" high
Double Egress Pairs N/A
*For Category B doors, a field-applied Category G edge seal system is required. Category B doors are eligible to bear the "S" (for smoke and draft assemblies) if a listed Category H smoke and draft control gasket has been applied to the assembly. Please refer to the individual gasket manufacturer's listings.
Sites that manufacture or assemble doors under Warnock-Hersey follow-up services:
Country of Origin -
United States
Dickson, TN